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If you would like to help improve the Free Bet Calculator by reporting any problems that you encounter, then if possible please include as much information as you can about the ‘make & model’ of the browser, operating system and device that you are using (e.g. Google Chrome 126, Android 14.0, Samsung Galaxy S24). Even if you only know partial details (e.g. iPhone 15), then that is often sufficient to help narrow the field, and allow the problem to be reproduced and fixed where possible.

Problems often only affect certain browsers or devices, and can be caused by anything from a browser bug, to a non-standard device feature. Browser and device details are therefore invaluable when attempting to resolve any issues.

Although your email address isn’t required in order to submit the Feedback form, it is often necessary to follow up on problem reports and feature requests, so please provide an email address if possible. As stated in the Privacy Policy, any personal details supplied, such as your name and email address, are only used for the purpose of sending a reply, and will never be shared with any third party.

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